Developing Emotional Intelligence at Cobble Hill Day Care

Roles of Cobble Hill Day Care for the EQ Development of your Child

Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is one of the key areas in child development. This is where the child learns to evaluate and control emotions. It is an important skill for a child in order to communicate effectively with his/her peers or with adults. Cobble Hill Day Care Center helps with the emotional intelligence development of your child.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand the way people feel. Furthermore, it is the capacity to use this understanding to make good judgments on how to avoid or solve the problem. It is how you control your feelings, much as understand and react to other people’s feelings in a suitable way.

How can Cobble Hill Day Care foster EQ Development?

In addition to IQ learning, Cobble Hill Day Care Center is also a place of EQ development for children. It is where activities target specific areas of development including emotional intelligence. Below are some of the methods Cobble Hill Day Care Center use to promote emotional growth.

Teach Children About Emotions

First thing to learn about emotional intelligence is to teach the child about the different emotions. This will include the teaching of the causes and effects of the emotion toward other people as well as to himself/herself. Learning the differences between emotions will give them the understanding that each is unique and has its respective outcome. Knowing the different emotions will also make the child understand positive and negative emotions.

Teach By Example

Cobble Hill Day Care Center has trained teachers and instructors that help your child learn more about emotions. Children learn fast when they see role models. In fact, children like to mimic actions and copy what they see from adults. Cobble Hill Day Care fosters learning by showing children how emotions work, especially its cause and effect to its resolution. For example, taking someone’s toy (cause) will make the other angry or sad (effect), therefore returning back the toy and saying sorry will make the other child happy again (resolution). Showing these examples to children will propel their learning and understanding about emotions.

Teach By Socializing

Children discover different emotions when they socialize. Day care centers like Cobble Hill Day Care Center is a good place to let your child mingle with others of same age. This will encourage the child to observe the behavior and emotions of other children. The trained teachers at Cobble Hill Day Care Center understand the importance of interaction of children with their peers. They will supervise the children as they communicate with each other.

Building a Strong Emotional Foundation

It’s a fact! While adults have to contend with other adults with unpleasant attitude, the same is true among children. Starting your child’s EQ development at an early age will strengthen his/her ability to connect with other people. Cobble Hill Day Care Center will help your child grow up ready to face the emotional challenges of the real world.